Delaware County Celebrates Diversity with Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Festivities

Delaware County Celebrates Asian American & Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

MEDIA, PA — Delaware County has announced its participation in the annual celebration of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month this May. The observance, which has been a fixture on the national calendar since 1978, commemorates the arrival of the first Japanese immigrants to the United States in May 1843 and celebrates the manifold contributions of these communities to American history and society.

The month-long recognition offers a moment to reflect on and celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and religions that Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders bring to the nation’s cultural mosaic. Delaware County, home to a vibrant community of individuals from these backgrounds, is taking this opportunity to highlight the pivotal roles played by leaders, artists, scholars, and various members of the community in preserving and promoting their rich cultural heritage.

Highlighting the celebrations, Delaware County, in partnership with Upper Darby Township, Visit Delco, the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce, the Asian American Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia, and the Delaware County Office of Workforce Development, is hosting a special event on May 10, 2024, from 3 pm to 6 pm at the Upper Darby Municipal Parking Lot. The event promises an array of family-friendly performances, including Korean drumming, Giddha- Punjab folk dance, and a performance by Zoe Erianna, known for her appearance on America’s Got Talent.

In addition to the performances, the celebration aims to offer a taste of Asia right in Delaware County, inviting residents to explore local restaurants featuring cuisine inspired by Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander heritage. An online map will guide residents to these culinary delights, further enriching the community’s engagement with the diverse cultures being celebrated.

This acknowledgment and celebration of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month by Delaware County not only honors the historical and ongoing contributions of these communities but also serves as an important reminder of the value of diversity and inclusion in building a vibrant, cohesive society. Events like these not only foster a sense of community and belonging among those directly represented but also educate and enrich the broader community, facilitating a deeper understanding and appreciation of the multifaceted nature of American history and identity.

The implications of such celebrations are profound, extending beyond mere acknowledgment to actively contributing to the socio-cultural fabric of the county. By engaging in and supporting these observances, Delaware County sets an example for how communities can come together to celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity, ensuring that all members feel seen, heard, and valued.

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