Delaware County Conducting a Disparity Study

Delaware County

MEDIA, PA — Delaware County announced it is conducting a disparity study to better understand if minority-owned, women-owned, and disabled veteran-owned businesses face any barriers to accessing County contracts and procurement opportunities.

The study will evaluate the County’s contracting and procurement practices to determine if disparities may disadvantage minority-owned, women-owned businesses, and disabled veteran-owned businesses in the bidding process. It will also provide recommendations on how to increase the participation of these businesses in County contracts and procurement opportunities.

The disparity study will be conducted by Miller3 Consulting, a nationally recognized and qualified firm specializing in conducting disparity studies nationwide. The firm will analyze data from the County’s procurement and contracting processes, as well as from relevant external sources. This analysis will help identify any disparities that exist and any potential causes of these disparities.

The study will include outreach to minority-owned, women-owned businesses, disabled Veteran-owned businesses, and LGBTQQIA+ owned businesses in the County to obtain their input on their experiences with the procurement process.

“The goal of the disparity study is to promote equity and fairness in the County’s procurement process,” said Delaware County Council Chair Dr. Monica Taylor. “By identifying existing disparities and developing strategies to address them, the County can create a more level playing field for all businesses seeking to do business with the County. This will benefit historically underrepresented businesses and the County by promoting competition, innovation, and a more diverse pool of vendors.”

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