Pennsylvania Moves to Combat Childhood Lead Poisoning with Senate Bill 514

Lead HazardsImage by Rebecca Matthews

HARRISBURG, PA — At a press conference held in the Capitol Rotunda on Monday, May 6th, 2024, advocates from the Lead-Free Promise Project joined legislators and health experts to voice their support for Senate Bill 514, the ‘Childhood Blood Lead Test Act.’ The bill, which aims to amend existing legislation to enhance lead poisoning prevention, assessment, and testing, is seen as a significant step forward in the fight against childhood lead exposure in Pennsylvania.

Bruce Clash, Pennsylvania State Director of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids and a coalition partner of the Lead-Free Promise Project, highlighted the urgency of the issue, stating, “Childhood lead poisoning is a 100 percent preventable tragedy.” He emphasized that the bill is critical for mitigating the devastating impact of lead exposure on the state’s youngest residents. The proposed legislation mandates blood testing for all children by age two, allowing for parental discretion, to ensure early detection and intervention.

Pennsylvania stands as the state with the second-highest number of children who test positive for lead poisoning annually in the United States. The invisible threat of lead can cause irreversible damage to a child’s brain and nervous system, leading to learning difficulties and behavioral problems. SB 514 seeks to address this by guaranteeing that all children receive the necessary blood tests to confirm lead poisoning, helping families manage health concerns and prevent further exposure.

Dr. Christopher Russo, a pediatric health director at WellSpan Health, underscored the dangers of lead exposure, especially to children under five, noting that less than 20 percent of such children in Pennsylvania are currently tested for lead. “Every child is full of promise and potential, and we can, and should, do more to ensure every child in Pennsylvania gets tested for lead so they can thrive in a safe environment,” Russo said.

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The bill has garnered bipartisan support and has already passed out of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee unanimously. Introduced by Senator Lisa Baker, it is co-sponsored by a diverse group of senators who recognize the importance of robust lead testing protocols. If passed, SB 514 will amend the Childhood Blood Lead Test Act (Act 150 of 2022) to make lead testing more accessible and comprehensive, aiming to protect Pennsylvania’s children from the lifelong consequences of lead poisoning.

The push for SB 514 represents a united front among lawmakers, health professionals, and advocates to safeguard the health and futures of the state’s children through proactive measures against lead exposure.

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