Chester County Residents: Get Your Free Potassium Iodide Tablets

nuclear power plant© SpaceManKris / Getty Images / Canva

WEST CHESTER, PA — As a part of Chester County’s ongoing emergency preparedness efforts, the Chester County Health Department is making available free Potassium Iodide tablets for people who live or work within a 10-mile radius of the Limerick Nuclear Power Plant and/or Peach Bottom Nuclear Power Plant on Thursday, September 15, 2022, 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Kimberton Fire Company in Phoenixville, PA. The fire company is located at the intersection of Pike Springs Road and Firehouse Lane.

Those living within a 10-mile radius of Limerick Generating Station are in an area called the Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ). In this area, protective action plans are in place to mitigate any potential exposure to radioactive materials. The plans include sheltering, evacuation, and potassium iodide distribution methods.

Potassium Iodide (KI) is a form of stable iodine. When taken as directed, it helps protect the thyroid gland against the harmful effects of radioactive iodine that may be released during a radiological emergency. One dose of KI protects the thyroid for 24 hours. Infants, children, adults and pregnant women are all encouraged to take the allotted KI dose when instructed. The dosage instructions for all age groups are included with the KI tablets. Further education will be provided at the distribution event.

Not all radiological releases involve radioactive iodine. Residents should not take their potassium iodide dose unless directed by Pennsylvania Department of Health officials and/or the Governor. Residents can register online to pick up KI tablets at the Health Fair. For additional information, visit

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Informational booths and staff will also be present at the event to share and connect residents to Health Department resources available to them.

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